Dr Harini Priya
- “Comparative evaluation of the bactericidal potential of four root canal filling materials against the microflora of infected non-vital primary teeth” – Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry;35(1), 23-30, 2010
- Surgical management impalement injuries of the soft palate: A case report. International Journal of Dental Clinics 2010 :2(4): 64-66.
- “Clinical efficacy of a probiotic mouth rinse: A short-term study” – Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry; Jul-Sept 2010, issue 3, vol 28, 194-197
- “Dentist and tobacco control”. RGUHS Journal of Dental Science: vol 1, issue 2, Jan 2008
- “Knowledge, attitude and prevalence of tobacco use among health professionals of Mangalore city” Journal of Oral Health & Community Dentistry 2008; 2(2):19-24
- “Antibiotic abuse: A global problem” – Indian Dentist: Research and Review, May 2009.